

Result = JSONValue(#JSON)
Returns the value of the specified #JSON data. The type of the value can be checked with JSONType().


#JSON The JSON data to return the value of.

Return value

The JSON value. The result is never 0 for a valid #JSON data.


Every #JSON data contains exactly one JSON value (containing possibly nested values). Newly created #JSON data from CreateJSON() contains a value of type #PB_JSON_Null.

The type of the JSON value or its content can be modified with one of the following functions:
- SetJSONArray(): Change the value to an (empty) array
- SetJSONBoolean(): Change the value to a boolean
- SetJSONDouble(): Change the value to a number
- SetJSONFloat(): Change the value to a number
- SetJSONInteger(): Change the value to a number
- SetJSONNull(): Change the value to a 'null'
- SetJSONObject(): Change the value to an (empty) object
- SetJSONString(): Change the value to a string
- SetJSONQuad(): Change the value to a number


  ParseJSON(0, Chr(34) + "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" + Chr(34))
  Debug GetJSONString(JSONValue(0))  

See Also


Supported OS


<- JSONType() - Json Index - LoadJSON() ->