

Result = SliderJoint(#Joint, EntityID, TransformX, TransformY, TransformZ, EntityID2, TransformX2, TransformY2, TransformZ2)
Create a new slider joint between the two given entities. Slider can be used to move an entity with constraint on a plane surface, etc.


#Joint The number to identify the new joint. #PB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number.
EntityID The first entity id associated to the joint. To get a valid entity id, use EntityID().
TransformX The X value of the transformation for the first entity.
TransformY The Y value of the transformation for the first entity.
TransformZ The Z value of the transformation for the first entity.
EntityID2 The second entity used to create the joint. To get a valid entity id, use EntityID().
TransformX2 The X value of the transformation for the second entity.
TransformY2 The Y value of the transformation for the second entity.
TransformZ2 The Z value of the transformation for the second entity.

Return value

Returns zero if the joint can't be created. If #PB_Any is used as '#Joint' parameter, the new joint number will be returned as 'Result'.


GetJointAttribute() and SetJointAttribute() can be used with the following attribute to change the joint behavior:
  #PB_SliderJoint_LowerLimit : Lower limit of the joint
  #PB_SliderJoint_UpperLimit : Upper limit of the joint

See Also

FreeJoint(), GetJointAttribute(), SetJointAttribute()

Supported OS


<- SetJointAttribute() - Joint Index