

Result$ = GetUserDirectory(Type)
Returns the directory path of the specified directory type.


Type The type of directory to get the path. It can be one of the following value:
  #PB_Directory_Desktop    : desktop directory of the current logged user
  #PB_Directory_Downloads  : downloads directory of the current logged user
  #PB_Directory_Documents  : documents directory path of the current logged user
  #PB_Directory_Videos     : videos directory path of the current logged user
  #PB_Directory_Musics     : musics directory path of the current logged user
  #PB_Directory_Pictures   : pictures directory path of the current logged user
  #PB_Directory_Public     : public directory of the current logged user
  #PB_Directory_ProgramData: program data directory of the current logged user.
                             On Linux and OSX, it is the home directory followed by '/.' to be able to create
                             hidden config directory in the home user.
  #PB_Directory_AllUserData: common program data directory (accessible to all users)
  #PB_Directory_Programs   : global program files path (can be read only)

Return value

Returns the full path of the specified directory. It will end with a directory separator ('\', #PS, #PS$ for Windows or '/', #NPS, #NPS$ otherwise). If the type is not found it will return an empty string.


  ; List some of the user directories:
  Debug "#PB_Directory_Downloads = " + GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Downloads)
  Debug "#PB_Directory_Documents = " + GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Documents)
  Debug "#PB_Directory_Programs  = " + GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Programs)

See Also

GetCurrentDirectory(), GetHomeDirectory(), GetTemporaryDirectory()

Supported OS


<- GetTemporaryDirectory() - FileSystem Index - IsDirectory() ->