

CameraFollow(#Camera, ObjectID, Angle, Height, Distance, RotationPercent, PositionPercent [, Mode])
Follow the specified object in a smooth manner, using interpolation.


#Camera The camera to use.
ObjectID The object to follow. It can be one of the following type:
  - Entity         : use EntityID() to get a valid ID.
  - Light          : use LightID() to get a valid ID.
  - Node           : use NodeID() to get a valid ID.
  - ParticleEmitter: use ParticleEmitterID() to get a valid ID.
  - BillboardGroup : use BillboardGroupID() to get a valid ID.
  - Text3D         : use Text3DID() to get a valid ID.
Angle The angle of the camera relative to the followed object.
Height The absolute height of the camera.
Distance The distance of the camera relative to the followed object.
RotationPercent Value to apply when the camera rotate to get it again in the correct angle. Valid values are from 0 to 1.
PositionPercent Value to apply when the camera moves to get it again in the correct position. Valid values are from 0 to 1. When value is 0, the camera doesn't move. When value is 1, the camera is set to the final position, without interpolation.
Mode (optional) It can be one of the following value:
  #True : the camera will automatically look at the followed entity (default).
  #False: the camera will not automatically look at the followed entity.

Return value


See Also


Supported OS


<- CameraFixedYawAxis() - Camera Index - CameraID() ->