

Result = CreateRenderTexture(#Texture, CameraID, Width, Height [, Flags [, RenderTextureName$]])
Creates a new render texture. The camera associated to the texture will render its view directly on the texture, without being displayed on screen. This can be very useful to have objects which display a part of the scene (like a TV screen, a mirror etc).


#Texture A number to identify the new texture. #PB_Any can be used to auto-generate this number.
CameraID The ID of the camera to associate with the texture. This ID can be get with CameraID().
Width The width of the new texture (in pixels).
Height The height of the new texture (in pixels).
Flags (optional) The flags can be one of the following value:
  #PB_Texture_AutomaticUpdate: the texture is updated at every RenderWorld() automatically (default)
  #PB_Texture_ManualUpdate:    the texture is not updated automatically, UpdateRenderTexture() has to be called manually.
  #PB_Texture_CameraViewPort:  the camera viewport won't be removed, useful to still be able to do a capture from the camera.
RenderTextureName$ (optional) The name of the new texture in the OGRE system. This allow to use this name in script to assign a shader to this texture.

Return value

Returns zero if the texture can't be created. If #PB_Any is used as '#Texture' parameter, the new texture number is returned.


TextureOutput() is not supported on rendered textures.

See Also


Supported OS


<- CreateCubicTexture() - Texture Index - CreateTexture() ->