

AddStaticGeometryEntity(#StaticGeometry, EntityID, x, y, z [, ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ [, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ [, RotationW, Mode]]])
Add an entity to the specified #StaticGeometry. The original entity is left untouched by this function and can be freed after the add. The same entity can be added multiple time.


#StaticGeometry StaticGeometry to use.
EntityID The EntityID of the entity to add to the static geometry.
x, y, z The position of the entity in the static geometry.
ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ (optional) The scale factor to apply to the added entity.
RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ (optional) The rotation to apply to the added entity.
RotationW (optional) The rotation to apply to the added entity (only used for #PB_Orientation_Quaternion and #PB_Orientation_Direction).
Mode (optional) The rotation mode. It can be one of the following value:
  #PB_Orientation_PitchYawRoll: 'RotationX' (pitch), 'RotationY' (yaw), 'RotationZ' (roll), applied in this order (default).
  #PB_Orientation_Quaternion  : 'RotationX', 'RotationY', 'RotationZ', 'RotationW' for quaternion values
  #PB_Orientation_Direction   : 'RotationX', 'RotationY', 'RotationZ' for direction vector, and 'RotationW' for rotation (roll).

Return value



Once all the entities have been added, the command BuildStaticGeometry() has to be called to generate the static geometry.

See Also

CreateStaticGeometry(), BuildStaticGeometry()

Supported OS


StaticGeometry Index - BuildStaticGeometry() ->