

Result$ = GetGadgetItemText(#Gadget, Item [, Column])
Returns the item text of the specified gadget.


#Gadget The gadget to use.
Item The item to get the text. The first item in the gadget has index 0.
Column (optional) The column to use for gadgets that support multiple columns. The first column has index 0. The default is column 0.

Return value

Returns the text of the gadget item or an empty string if there is an error.


This is a universal function which works for almost all gadgets which handle several items:

- ComboBoxGadget() - 'Item' is the index of the item in the ComboBox list. 'Column' will be ignored.
- EditorGadget() - 'Item' is the text line in the EditorGadget. 'Column' will be ignored.
- ExplorerListGadget() - returns the name of the 'Item', without the path. If 'Item' = -1, the 'Column' header is returned.
- ListIconGadget() - returns the entry of the given 'Item' and 'Column'. If 'Item' = -1, the 'Column' header is returned.
- ListViewGadget() - 'Item' is the index of the entry from which you want to receive the content. 'Column' will be ignored.
- MDIGadget() - 'Item' is the index of the child window of which you want to get the title.
- PanelGadget() - 'Item' is the panel from which you want to receive the header text.
- TreeGadget() - 'Item' is the index of the entry from which you want to receive the content. 'Column' will be ignored.
- WebGadget() - Get the html code, page title, status message or current selection.

See Also

SetGadgetItemText(), GetGadgetText(), SetGadgetText()

Supported OS


<- GetGadgetItemState() - Gadget Index - GetGadgetState() ->